Cocopeat For Sandy Soil Improvement Methods

Cocopeat for sandy soil improvement

Planting crops in sandy soil is so challenging. This soil dries out quickly and is even low in nutrients. You should improve it first for better results. One of the methods you can do is using cocopeat organic matter for soil. The information below will explain the ways to apply cocopeat for sandy soil improvement. 

Add One Part of Cocopeat 

The simplest and fastest way to improve sandy soil is directly adding cocopeat to the soil. You only have to add one part of the cocopeat to the sandy soil. Cocopeat is a better option instead of river sand.

This organic material helps to improve water retention better than river sand or other materials. Incorporate cocopeat in the soil and water it. Wait for a few weeks or months in case it is a new land. It optimizes the result. The soil quality is better and ready to use. 

Add One Part of Cocopeat, River Sand, and Compost 

Say the quality of the soil in your farm or garden is so bad. It seems that adding cocopeat is not enough. Don’t worry! You can still use cocopeat for sandy soil improvement. 

Besides adding one part of cocopeat, you can also add one part of river sand, and two parts of compost. Incorporate these materials within your soil. Water the soil mix and wait for a few weeks.

Check the soil regularly. The soil is ready if all the organic materials turn to compost. It means that you can’t differentiate between compost, organic material, and soil. 

Check also the texture and color of the soil. Now, you can start growing some crops in the soil. The result will be significantly different than planting in sandy soil.   

Add One Part of Cocopeat, Vermiculite, and Compost 

In case it is hard to find river sand in your area, you can use another alternative. Just change the river sand with vermiculite. The portion for each will be one part of cocopeat, one part vermiculite, and one part compost. 

Mix all the materials in the sandy soil. It will be better if you wait for a few days or weeks before planting on the soil. During the waiting period, water the soil and mix it. Check the quality of the soil and the materials there. 

Nothing wrong with planting in sandy soil, yet the result is not too good. Use the most affordable method, such as incorporating cocopeat for sandy soil improvement. Don’t underestimate this method. You will be surprised with the result and do this method over again.   


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